Showing 101 - 125 of 433 Results
Memorial of Ulysses S Grant from the City of Boston by Beecher, Henry Ward, Boston... ISBN: 9781176655058 List Price: $19.75
Memorial of James Abram Garfield, from the City of Boston by Boston (Mass.). City Counci... ISBN: 9781177221481 List Price: $18.75
Exercises at the Dedication of the Statue of Wendell Phillips by Boston (Mass.). City Council ISBN: 9781177301442 List Price: $17.75
Complimentary Banquet Given by the City Council of Boston to Rear-Admiral Lessoffsky and the... by Boston (Mass.). City Council ISBN: 9781177977630 List Price: $17.75
Memorial of William Gaston from the City of Boston by Boston (Mass.). City Council ISBN: 9781178088441 List Price: $17.75
Documents of the City of Boston by Boston (Mass ). City Counci... ISBN: 9781174142765 List Price: $62.75
Documents of the City of Boston by Boston (Mass ). City Counci... ISBN: 9781174241352 List Price: $59.75
Report of the Joint Standing Committee on Ordinances on the Nomenclature of Streets by Boston (Mass ). City Counci... ISBN: 9781175342058 List Price: $20.75
Memorial Exercises in Honor of Julia Ward Howe, Held in Symphony Hall, Boston, on Sunday Eve... by Guild, Curtis, Boston (Mass... ISBN: 9781175609908 List Price: $17.75
Oration Delivered Before the Municipal Authorities of the City of Boston, July 4 1859 by Boston (Mass.). City Counci... ISBN: 9781175732385 List Price: $17.75
Oration Delivered Before the City Authorities of Boston, on the Fourth of July 1860 by Boston (Mass.). Common Coun... ISBN: 9781175732354 List Price: $17.75
Memorial of Ulysses S Grant from the City of Boston by Boston (Mass.). City Council ISBN: 9781176474024 List Price: $19.75
Memorial of Edward Everett, from the City of Boston by Boston (Mass.). City Counci... ISBN: 9781176488700 List Price: $31.75
List of City and County Employees, with Their Residences and Salaries, Etc by Boston (Mass.). Common Council ISBN: 9781147332858 List Price: $30.75
Memorial of Phillips Brooks from the City of Boston by Boston (Mass.). City Council ISBN: 9781147586756 List Price: $17.75
Brighton Day : Celebration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town... by Boston (Mass.). City Council ISBN: 9781148515496 List Price: $18.75
Memorial of John Boyle O'Reilly from the City of Boston by O'Reilly, John Boyle, Bosto... ISBN: 9781148558844 List Price: $17.75
Memorial of Phillips Brooks from the City of Boston by Boston (Mass.). City Council ISBN: 9781148751573 List Price: $17.75
City Hall, Boston : Corner Stone Laid, Monday, December 22, 1862; Dedicated, Monday, Septemb... by Boston (Mass.). City Council ISBN: 9781148796086 List Price: $22.75
Oration Delivered Before the City Authorities of Boston: on the Fourth of July 1860 by Everett, Boston (Mass.). Co... ISBN: 9781113315137 List Price: $16.99
Oration Delivered Before the City Authorities of Boston: on the Fourth of July 1860 by Everett, Boston (Mass.). Co... ISBN: 9781113315144 List Price: $18.99
Address Made to the City Council of Boston January 5 1835 by (Mass.). Mayor (1834-35 : T... ISBN: 9781113311771 List Price: $16.99
Oration Delivered Wednesday, July 4, 1827 in Commemoration of American Independence by Powell Mason, Boston (Mass.... ISBN: 9781113348999 List Price: $16.99
Oration Delivered on Monday, Fourth of July 1825 by Sprague, Boston (Mass.). Ci... ISBN: 9781113510891 List Price: $16.99
Memorial of James Abraham Garfield, from the City of Boston by Anonymous, Boston (Mass.). ... ISBN: 9781117384436 List Price: $16.99
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